AttitudeLeadershipLifestylePurposeSuccess Thank You. Thank You Very Much. For the past four decades, I’ve known this. Since birth, I’ve been groomed to have…Robert Kennedy IIINovember 22, 2017
CommunicationPublic SpeakingPurpose 7 Amazingly Simple Ways To Standout When You Speak I clicked PLAY, and the video started. She said, "Hi, my name is..." But, I…Robert Kennedy IIIMay 15, 2017
ActionGoal SettingLifestyleProductivityPurpose How To Get Out Of Survival Mode So You Can Start Living “You are either living in creation or reaction.” - Steve Chandler Most people know they…Robert Kennedy IIINovember 27, 2016
CommunicationLifestylePurposeRelationshipRelationship Building Here’s What You Should Remember About 9/11 I suppose we all have days in our lives we are supposed to remember. I really…Robert Kennedy IIISeptember 11, 2016
AttitudeHabitsLeadershipLifestyleMindsetPurpose 10 Ways That Leaders Can Show Confidence They have the mic and they are up in the front of the room so…Robert Kennedy IIIJune 27, 2016