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Last week, I wrote about switching over to Feedly after Google’s announcement about Reader.  I was impressed with Feedly after trying several other readers.  I was impressed with how it handled the blogs and articles that I was reading.  One of my requirements for choosing a reader after Google reader was the mobile factor.  Feedly has a mobile app and I’ll talk about that a bit more in my list.

So, after spending a couple of weeks exclusively with Feedly has led me to some revelations. I’ve also recently begun to use Buffer to populate my social media feed and love how it works.  (I’ll talk more about it in another post)  Buffer integrates very nicely with Feedly and I love that.  Let’s jump to the list. feedlyshares

1. Feedly has a great mobile  app.
I’ve tried the Feedly app on both my iPad and phone.  They are both very easy to navigate and sharing is a breeze.   I have the option of being able to Tweet, send to Facebook, Google + or due to the integration with Buffer, I am set up to share to LinkedIn, Facebook Page and Twitter at the same time.  I’m still exploring how I will use the Buffer app most effectively.  However, it seems to be an awesome time saver so far.

2. Feedly can change views in the mobile app.
Much like the web-based version, Feedly can also change between list, mosaic, magazine and cards view. However, the difference is not quite as drastic as it is in the web app. In fact, I had to look really carefully to be able to tell the difference even in the iPad version of the app.

3. You can add a tag line.
For my first few shares, I wondered why the words ‘good read’ kept appearing at the end of my updates. I didn’t like it and figured it was jsut a way to prompt me to actually write my own statement in the update and not have it be just a title. But, when I went to the advanced settings area, I noted a box that said ‘Tag Line’. I was able to erase the good read from there. I’m not sure if I want to replace the tagline however, since I only have 140 characters with Twitter. I’m not sure if I want to use those up for static, repeating text.

photo4. You can change themes.
Again, I am staying with the mobile apps here. In the web app, there are 15 color themes for you to choose from. In the mobile app, when you click the themes button, you find that you only can switch between 2 themes, Day & Night!  This may be fine after all is said and done.  I will have to try this a bit longer to see how it works for me.

5. Easy to Mark All As Read.
I’m not a Zero Inbox junkie but I don’t like to see the numbers of unread articles go up and up in my feed. So, the ability to mark everything as ‘read’ in the top of the webapp is a plus for me. As my list of blogs and new article feeds grows, it might become a bit annoying for me to see numbers of articles that I know I could never read. Of course, I’m lying a bit by marking them as read when I haven’t actually read them, but you’ll just keep that between us. Right?


Are you an avid news and blog reader?  If so, what are you using to manage your feeds?  Please leave your thoughts in the comments below.

Join the discussion 4 Comments

  • Yoyo says:

    So I just learned some new information. Thanks

  • Robert Harper says:

    Robert I am so depressed about the news. The problem I have is I consume my reader stuff via Flipbook so I am looking for a reader that interphases well with this app.

    • I get that. Give the Feedly app a try as it pulls in a lot of the same feeds, you can customize a bit better AND you have some advantages for sharing articles via your social media channels. Plus, Feedly allows you to change the look so you can get the same magazine type feel that you get in Flipboard.

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