I had an idea in my mind but I read a post by Jason O’Toole that put words to it. He talked about creating a LIVE LIST instead of a bucket list. That’s an awesome concept. Many of us go through life just wishing that we could do certain things and actually wishing evil on some that get to do certain things. It’s just easier to blame life and everyone else for things that we don’t get to do. BUt, how sweet it is when you plan to achieve or conquer something and you actually get it done.
Recently, I wrote a bit of an introspective post about living for today. I wrote about looking to be EXCEPTIONAL today and living with the intent to CREATE SOMETHING NEW every day. So, the LIVE list struck a chord with me. I don’t want to just put stuff on a list and hope to do them before I die. I want to live fully today. I will make plans of course because right now says that I don’t have the resources or the time to do EVERYTHING that I want to do. But, I can start the process, even if it means just getting it out of my head and writing it here. So, my LIVE list. My list consists of places I want to go, people I want to meet, things I want to do. In no specific order of importance, here goes a part of my earthly LIVE list:
1. Hang out with Richard Branson for a day.
Why? I’m an entrepreneur to the bone and I am constantly inspired by what he does daily. Not because of the money at all. He just lives a life that shows no fear and yet makes time for the little things that mean something. I saw a post the other day that he was giving money away for people to spend time with their moms, or mums as he so Britishly states it. I was also drawn by a post last year when he noted that one of the things he LOVES to do is teach grown-ups to swim. My mind thought, “Wow, here’s a guy who could do anything he wants with his money and he enjoys teaching people to swim, specifically grown-ups who have had the fear all their lives.” I just thought that said something awesome about the kind of person he is inside. I’d like to get to know more and spend a day picking his brain about fear, success, and just LIVING!!
2. Go on vacation with my family for a month.
Why a month? Well, a few reasons. First, a 10-14 day vacation is a long time. But, then you come back to work. A month vacation is symbolic for me. It says that my life has reached a place where things that I have invested in and begun can go on without me. It says that I have gotten rid of some of the fears that said I needed to be close by otherwise things would break. It says that I am growing. It may say something else to someone else. But, that is what a month of vacation means to me.
3. Send someone to college who is not my child or help someone start their own business.
Another symbolic thing. One of the things that I want to do is begin a scholarship fund for kids with dreams, kids with ideas that may not be seen as the norm. The other day, I met a kid with the thought of having his own Vegan Take Out restaurant. I hope I’m not spilling his idea. But, I read in the Bible that there is nothing new under the sun so I think he will make out just fine. Besides, I don’t know if anyone in his area has the idea. I thought that the idea was not only a cool idea but I thought he was AWESOME for having the guts to chase this even while he was just beginning college. It was different. It was dreamy. It wasn’t just doctor, lawyer, nurse, teacher. It was innovate, create, dream and work hard. I loved it.
4. Write a bestseller.
Now, this is odd considering that I didn’t like writing much up until a year ago. I won’t say I hated it but I just had no desire to do it outside of school assignments. Now, I’ve completed a technical book, and I’m just about finished my first eBook. I have the basic outlines for 2 other books in my Evernote. I guess I now have the experience that I needed to be able to share some things about life as evidenced by my own circumstances. Maybe I’ll get there, maybe I won’t. But, I’m going to write and live like it.
I’ve got a longer list. But, I’ll save some for another post. The point is that today, this very moment is all that you have to be sure about. Make the most of it. Plan for the future, absolutely! But go for that future and put your plans into action now. Write them down. Visualize them. See them! Then GO FOR IT! Dump out that bucket and LIVE!!
I live list sounds good. It more than just wishing, it is actively making it happen.
Exactly. Do you have a list?
I love the items on your list. Very inspirational. 🙂
Thank you. Thanks for commenting. What’s on your list? 🙂
At the top of my list is to move to my “home” country – not where I’m from, but where I feel I belong. Not easy, but very important to me.