It’s almost Christmas and I remember feeling REALLY special around this time of year as a kid. Everything was just DIFFERENT. There were all sorts of lights. People were nicer. There was hope and expectation in the air. In some neighborhoods of the Bronx, there was some other ‘stuff’ in the air. But that’s for another blog. I remember a lot of things. What I don’t remember much are the plans that I made for the upcoming year. I remember folks talking about resolutions but I don’t remember talking about how we were going to LIVE for the upcoming year.
For me, I have already stated that 2014 is going to be EXPLOSIVE! What that means for me is that I am intentionally going to live large in every way. I am going to LOVE big. I am going to SHARE big. I am going to LEAD big. I am going to HELP big. I am going to FOCUS big! I’m going to LIVE EXPLOSIVE!
A couple of years ago, I was reading an article by Chris Brogan where he talks about 3 words that he chooses for the year. These words are his guiding mantra. Other people talk about their themes for the year. I love that rather than going in to resolutions, people can simply CHOOSE how they are going to live and be guided.
Over the past year and a half, I have run some groups called 28 Days To A New Me. The idea in the group is one of habit forming and creating life transformation by choosing to focus on ONE THING that you will change in your life. I work on this idea with businesses also. But, the driving factor here is that too often we look to make massive changes and take on too many thing at once. When we don’t see success with all of these things, then we tend to let go and give up. That is exactly why approximately 80% of people have abandoned their resolutions by January 20th.
So, in 2014, for more success, choose ONE THING! Change the ONE THING and then you can move on to another ONE THING! My ONE THING is always going to be attached to my ONE WORD for 2014 – EXPLOSIVE!!
What’s your word for 2014? Leave your answers in the comments.
P.S. – I’ll revisit this a bit in a webinar on Sunday, the 29th of December. It’s called Change Your Life Forever In 28 Days. I’d LOVE to have you come hangout with me. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER.
Love this! Like Chris Brogan, I choose three: courageous, committed & prolific!
THanks Mary Anne. Those are some GREAT words!
As you saw when you stopped by my blog, which asked the same question, my words are gratitude and empower. I believe in being grateful every day – even for the small wonders of life. And, through my speaking & training, I empower solopreneurs to gain exposure for their business, get more clients, achieve success, and live the lifestyle they dreamed of. Here’s to your explosive year Robert.
Thanks Debra. I appreciate your reciprocity 🙂
Robert for 2014 I have not one but three: AWESOME, FEARLESS and COMMITTED!!!
Here’s to a truely EXPLOSIVE 2014 to you, Robert.
Excellent words Jessica!! Place them somewhere that you can see them EVERYDAY and make sure that all of your plans include them.
Great thoughts, I’m trying to cut down to the core of what I want to do next year. Doing less will allow me to accoplish more. I’ll have to figure out what my word is for 2014!
You’ll figure it out Dan. Thanks for stopping by.
Thanks man:)