It’s always neat to make new friendships and form new relationships. When you are able to do so with other bloggers, that’s pretty awesome. One of the ways that bloggers share relationship is by guest posting. And I was honored that Matt McWilliams allowed me to do just that on his site this week. Here is an excerpt from that post:
“Some people may not believe that but I really do believe so. I believe it more now than ever before since having children. Each day, my children grow older, and they develop these crazy little things called personalities and I see the things that draw them and the things they are beginning to excel at.
Now, just because my son excels at praying what I think are awesome prayers doesn’t mean he will become a preacher (although, his grandfather is one). But, it does give me a hint about what is important to him. It tells me a bit about what he is drawn to. It does tell me a bit about the types of situations in which he may end up. Why is it that things tend to turn out that way?
Many writers talk about the law of attraction and how the things that you focus on become the things that you attract. But I often wonder why it is that I end up in places that I didn’t intend on going to? Why is it that I seem to end up leading when I wasn’t focused on it? Why is it that in a committee of strangers, I get chosen to be the leader? There are many times I don’t want it. There are many times that I run away from it but it still seems to happen.”