Welcome you to the maiden episode of “The RK3 Show“! We have a fun and enlightening show for you!
What can you look forward to?
- At 02:44, I share my epiphany, purpose, and goal for starting my 4th podcast and it’s all about empowering you through stories!
- I also talk about “Speak Write Now Community” afterward – a community borne out of a common passion to grow in our craft as speakers and writers. Join us in our march to a million storytellers!
- 03:45 into the podcast, we get to meet my superstar professional speaker friend and guest – the feisty, fearless, focused and FUN speaker, Pegine!
- At 16:00, she answers the MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION: how do you develop longevity as a paid public speaker?
- Do you want to know the 4 Ranges/Lifecycles of a Speaker’s Life – the highs and lows of each? Find this goldmine of information beginning 27:54!
Have I whetted your appetite enough? Listen to the podcast in its entirety to get the full Pegine Power and Experience!
For more information about our guest, check out FeistyFearlessFemale.com to find out what’s in store for you from Pegine!
Resources Mentioned
- Storyteller’s Growth Lab
- Speak Write Now Academy – http://www.speakwritenow.com/academy
- Pegine’s site – http://www.pegine.com
- Feisty Fearless Female – http://www.feistyfearlessfemale.com