When you hear the term social media, do you think about a CEO conversing with a consumer or an employee goofing off at work? Unfortunately, the latter mental picture is what most people come to envision. Because of this, many companies have blocked Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Instagram and other social networks at work. There are definitely employees that goof off but employees have goofed off since before Noah told his sons to chop wood.
We’re still getting used to employees using social but what about leaders? How should they? Should they?
The world is changing and getting increasingly connected. So, learning about leveraging social is a conversation worth having.
This podcast episode shares some of the reasons for this conversation.
My Guest
He is a Forbes Top 10 Social Media Power Influencer and an Inc. Top 100 Leadership Expert. This stance at the crossroads of social and leadership gave Ted a unique perspective to identify the demise of Industrial Age management and the birth of the Social Age.
An Inc. Top 100 Speaker, Ted is a serial business founder, three-time CEO, and advisor to C-suites boards of directors.
Listen to the show:
- The social platform leaders should be on
- How get companies to act
- How blogging can bring leaders results
Links/Resources Mentioned:
Ted on Social Media
Twitter | LinkedIn
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